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Transylvania tour

Brasov – Bear Sanctuary – Bran Castle – Rasnov Fortress – Brasov

Bear Sanctuary- First, we will visit the Bear Sanctuary where we will see more then 100 bears that were mistreated and kept in difficult conditions. Likely for them they will now have a good life in the Bear Sanctuary where they can enjoy the life that they didn’t have in captivity.

Bran Castle- or, for those who are keen on horror films an dark tales of ghouls, vampires and evil spirits, Dracula’s Castle, the Romanian voivode (Vlad Draculea- Dracula) who inspired Bram Stoker in creating the famous bloodthirsty character.

Rasnov Fortress- one of the best preserved rural fortresses in Transylvania, it impresses with its breathtaking landscapes and the grandeur with which it rises on top of the mountain. Held in high regard in top 10 most beautiful snow castles in the world, the fortress preserves its historical significance transmitted further through the legends spread along time about it. One of these legends is about the well in the center of the fortress, which was dug, according to the elders, by two Turk prisoners who were promised their freedom. In the 17 years of hard labor, the two men got to 147 meters deep, the equivalent of a 50-storey building.

Price*: 69 euro/pers
Journey: 137 km
Time: approx. 7 hours
2 photos per person are included in the price of the tour.

for groups larger than 4 people, the prices are negotiable.

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Welcome To Transylvania