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Why choose us?

Why choose us?

Every business starts out of a passion! Welcome to Transylvania came out from the same idea, being the dream of a young team, eager to discover Transylvania’s stunning landscapes with those who request our transport services in order to visit the main attractions in the heart of the country.

Welcome to Transylvania

Romania’s central region remains one of the main touristic and cultural attractions, Brașov representing a business environment, which is developing year by year.

Welcome to Transylvania was set up in order to respond to the requests for trips and specific mountain routes, but also to cover the need for airport transfer from and to tours, respectively to and from the country’s major airports.


Who are we?

Welcome to Transylvania team is made up of people who are passionate about what they do, prepared for the services they offer, thanks to the resources they have at their disposal.

We are prepared to meet the requests for trips in Transylvania, for which we have set up a series of routes that we perform during the best periods, trips that can be made throughout the year, including the main attractions in Brasov, Sibiu and other surrounding locations.

The team is also made up of translators that provide the cultural, historical information that tourists want to find out when they visit not even historical places, such as museums, memorial houses, but also when they travel on one of our standard routes.


What do we do?

The company's main activity focuses on trips in Transylvania, through special tours designed to provide visitors with a complete picture of Brasov and other cities in the area, according to each customer’s personal preferences in terms of activities. In this regard, we own various cars to ensure the transport to/from locations included in the tours selected by the customers, and our team will provide you with valuable information on these standard tours, communicating effectively with foreign tourists so that you feel welcome.

At the same time, we are constantly expanding our services offer so as to complete and diversify your holiday or city-break experience. All information about our services, or additional details and new services are presented on our website: http://welcometotransylvania.ro/
+4076WELCOME (+40769 352 663)
+40774 000 004

Welcome To Transylvania